Thursday, September 16, 2010

Putting my foot in the water...

I've had another blog for years but decided a year and a half ago to start this one so that I could comment on people blogs, but also update family on the kids. However Facebook has taken over(as Facebook usually does) with the ease of publishing photo albums, so I just used this site to be a back drop for blog comments etc. Most of the blogs I visit I have found in my search to support friends who are going through infertility. It started by reading a friend of a friends and went from there. And hearing someones story can't help but make you want to keep coming find out if they get their happy ending. The strength I've raed about the last couple years is mind blowing. I've been blessed with easy conceptions on my "timeline" and strong healthy pregnancies. And I do consider it a blessing because I know its not always that way for everyone. I wish it was. I really do. I don't always agree with some bloggers, especially ones that feel that they've struggled to get pregnant and so they appreciate their pregnancies or children more. Thats BS. I got pregnant all 3 times the first month we tried. And no one can tell me they appreciate their children more than me. But I also am not vain enough to say I appreciate my children more than everyone else either. I appreciate them for who they are, what they will be, and how they make me strive to be a better person. I have amazing kids, but I know many other people have amazing kids as well. And I don't understand why some people think its a competition. It makes me sad. Yes there are some people out there that don't deserve their chidren. I do believe this. But those are few and far between I'd like to think. YOu can never understand someone until you've walked in their shoes. And frankly I'm glad there are so many shoe styles out there...the world would be awfully boring in basic black pumps. Although, just to milk a metaphore a bit more...they world could probably do with a few less platform stylettos in white or neon colours. I'm just sayin'.

Another type of blog that goes hand in hand with infertility are adoption ones. And those I find especially interesting. I'm adopted and I find it so heartwarming when I read about adoptions. So much hope and joy for the future. Just like with birth. Sure its not exactly the same but really its not so different either. CHildren are children and families are families. At least thats how I feel. What I've experienced. I know not all adoptions run smoothely, but not all genetic families do either. Someone once commented that I didn't even mention on my profile that I was adopted. And I what? Its a part of who I am, but its not ME. At least not the only part of me. I'm who I am for many reasons. One huge one is because of who raised me and how I was raised to think and feel. And obviously without being adopted I wouldn't be who I am today. So I am grateful that life turned out the way it has. I often tell people I am adopted and answer any questions they might have. I'm proud of being adopted. I'm Alex, who's adopted. Not Adopted Alex. I guess I don't really understand how everyone else feels about adoption, but I do get a sense from some adoption bloggers that there are more "sad" stories out there than happy ones. I'm not an adoption blogger and I don't plan on becoming one, but maybe I can add my own story to the mix. So that at least theres one more postive one out there. I know they DO exhist, but its a bit sad to read about so few. So in the next day or so I'll take some time and put my thoughts out there. Just because I'm adopted and it is a "success" story and I am reasonably(is anyone, adopted or biological, ever completely!!) well -adjusted, doesn't mean I have the perfect relationship with my parents or siblings. We're still all human and have our own lives and feelings. But then...isn't that how it is in most families?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Movin' and groovin'

So we're leaving our much beloved cul de sac this month and moving to our new house. Its bittersweet because we love our current home, but really wanted to be closer to the new school where the kids can walk and will be near school friends. Currently they take the bus and this spreads out where their friends are located. The new house is right on a park area and a block from a great playground. Plus we're only a 10-15 minute walk to our current house and friends. The kids were outside playing with 4 or 5 new kids within minutes of us stopping by to take posession. I think we're going to love it very much.

We just got our butterfly raising kit in. Had I realized the kit came with larva instead of neat and tiny chrysalis/cacoons I'm not sure I would have ordered them!! But they will be a great learning experience for our science course so its worth it. Although my oldest has a nack for pointing them out to me during meal times. She has a direct view to them and loves to exclaim "look they're crawling around!!" UGH. Within a week they should crawl to the top of the container and begin their transformation. The kids are so excited that I am willing to overcome my fear of all things crawly in order to give them this experience.

Josh has started eating food a lot better lately!! I mean real food. Not just yogurt, crackers, bread, and applesauce(which he's always eaten well), which is making meals take much longer since we have to bribe him and dig into our patience reserves because its still not something he wants to do. But bribary is our friend and its getting much easier to talk him into eating with less of a battle of wills. And the idea of him eating "normal" food makes it worth the battle of wills and bribary. We WILL prevail. Right?

Kallie made an art project on her computer in the paint program. She zoomed in and made tiny invidual drawings side by side and up and down and made herself a quilt picture. She then asked if we could have it made into a real blanket for her. After all that hard work you bet we could!! So we ordered it and its finally in so we will pick it up ASAP...I can't wait to see it. We took the paint file and turned it into a bmp or jpg and uploaded it to the site that we could get the blanket from. I love the picture but most of all I love the pride in her eyes and her dedication to getting it done. Knowing her I am not surprised though!!

Mackenzie is doing so well as usual. She is a love bug and at our recent garage sale they had a lemonade stand and they were completely adorable(all the kids and the neighbours helped). But shortly after the rest of the kids got tired and hot and wandered around to play and check back occasionally. But Kenzie stayed the whole time. It was so funny. She was charming and so polite and people were lining up and paying crazy amounts for the lemonade and just giving money to her for the fun of it. She was so gracious. It was quite the sight. They are still deciding what to do with the money. They might keep some of it(they're kids so its tempting for them!!) but right now they are leaning towards donating it to our friends Walk for Juvenile Diabetes. It makes me proud that they'd even consider donating it and ages 6(almost) and 8. I think if they do donate it I will make sure to replace it and let them know they made a great choice and reward them for it.

Off to get packing!! The sooner we get packed the sooner we can start staying over at the new house. I hope to be settled there by the end of the weekend.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My new favorite picture of me and the kids. The only thing missing is Dan, but someone had to snap the pic!!

So busy here lately, getting over a huge cold/flu/plague and getting some the girls school projects completed. Kallie has a Grade 2 standardized test she's taking tomorrow. She's so excited about it. She keeps saying she can't wait for her test(really she JUST repeated it again 10 seconds ago). What a girl!! Kenzie's getting excited about entering Grade 1 in the fall and wants to learn to read so badly. She'll get there. She just wants to grow up so fast so she can be like her big sister!! Joshua is starting to be willing to try more foods finally. He's speaking a lot more, and he is showing he's more willing to compromise and I am too. He wants some juice...sure, but he has to have a 2 bites of whatever he would normally turn up his nose at. Otherwise water it is. He does NOT like seeing his sisters having juice or milk when he gets boring water, so he's coming around. I'm stubborn but he's more stubborn I think. Oh well...for now he's trying new foods and stepping outside his comfort zone and I'm proud of him.

We're moving into our new place in just under a month and I'm so excited. Its smaller but better laid out so its perfect!! Plus...not much extra room for guests!! Summers coming up and that always means visitors...and as much as I like visitors I like them in hotels more :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Whats a year between friends...

Well I suppose I should start posting here a bit more often. Once a year seems a bit lazy. But as you can see...a lots been going on in the last year. These kids...they just keep growing and growing. Changing and changing...and we couldn't be more proud :)

Here we are on Valentine's Day 2010, heading out for family fun at the gymnastics club. Josh was tired, Kallie was a bit sick and Kenzie just want to get going!! But what a fun day that was :)

The kids are being home schooled right now. There were bussing issues and finally after 3 days a week for 4 months of the driver being late we took it as a sign that we were meant to home school. And you know what...its going great. The girls are so smart and eager to learn, that its amazing to watch. Its really a priviledge to get to do this with them. Its hard work and even less "me time" but childhood last such a short time that I'm savoring every moment. Of course the plan is to go back into public school next year so I can spend the last year Josh is home full time with him. What a great boy he is. So smart and funny...and Daddy is his hero. If he doesn't want to nap, I just have to assure him that after he gets up from his nap Daddy will almost be home and boom he goes out like a light :) When he hears Daddy come home he lights up. Its wonderful to see. But, he's still a Momma's boy at heart. When he gets hurt he wants Momma love :) I don't like when he gets hurt but I sure do love those extra hugs!!

The girls and I are working on a science experiment today. Boats and Bouyancy. We're making boats and seeing which float in the tub the best and can carry the most weight. I'd like to be cocky and say my boats going to float the best, but honestly I bet Kallie's does. She's super creative and sees things from amazing perspectives. Kenzie's boat will likely not float as well, but gosh will she have a blast making it. That kid turns everying into a fun experience!! But I could be in for a surprise and Kenzie's boat might outfloat us all. With that girl nothing would surprise me :) In a couple days when the glue is dry we'll fill up the soakter tub and have us a race!!