Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My new favorite picture of me and the kids. The only thing missing is Dan, but someone had to snap the pic!!

So busy here lately, getting over a huge cold/flu/plague and getting some the girls school projects completed. Kallie has a Grade 2 standardized test she's taking tomorrow. She's so excited about it. She keeps saying she can't wait for her test(really she JUST repeated it again 10 seconds ago). What a girl!! Kenzie's getting excited about entering Grade 1 in the fall and wants to learn to read so badly. She'll get there. She just wants to grow up so fast so she can be like her big sister!! Joshua is starting to be willing to try more foods finally. He's speaking a lot more, and he is showing he's more willing to compromise and I am too. He wants some juice...sure, but he has to have a 2 bites of whatever he would normally turn up his nose at. Otherwise water it is. He does NOT like seeing his sisters having juice or milk when he gets boring water, so he's coming around. I'm stubborn but he's more stubborn I think. Oh well...for now he's trying new foods and stepping outside his comfort zone and I'm proud of him.

We're moving into our new place in just under a month and I'm so excited. Its smaller but better laid out so its perfect!! Plus...not much extra room for guests!! Summers coming up and that always means visitors...and as much as I like visitors I like them in hotels more :)