Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Whats a year between friends...

Well I suppose I should start posting here a bit more often. Once a year seems a bit lazy. But as you can see...a lots been going on in the last year. These kids...they just keep growing and growing. Changing and changing...and we couldn't be more proud :)

Here we are on Valentine's Day 2010, heading out for family fun at the gymnastics club. Josh was tired, Kallie was a bit sick and Kenzie just want to get going!! But what a fun day that was :)

The kids are being home schooled right now. There were bussing issues and finally after 3 days a week for 4 months of the driver being late we took it as a sign that we were meant to home school. And you know what...its going great. The girls are so smart and eager to learn, that its amazing to watch. Its really a priviledge to get to do this with them. Its hard work and even less "me time" but childhood last such a short time that I'm savoring every moment. Of course the plan is to go back into public school next year so I can spend the last year Josh is home full time with him. What a great boy he is. So smart and funny...and Daddy is his hero. If he doesn't want to nap, I just have to assure him that after he gets up from his nap Daddy will almost be home and boom he goes out like a light :) When he hears Daddy come home he lights up. Its wonderful to see. But, he's still a Momma's boy at heart. When he gets hurt he wants Momma love :) I don't like when he gets hurt but I sure do love those extra hugs!!

The girls and I are working on a science experiment today. Boats and Bouyancy. We're making boats and seeing which float in the tub the best and can carry the most weight. I'd like to be cocky and say my boats going to float the best, but honestly I bet Kallie's does. She's super creative and sees things from amazing perspectives. Kenzie's boat will likely not float as well, but gosh will she have a blast making it. That kid turns everying into a fun experience!! But I could be in for a surprise and Kenzie's boat might outfloat us all. With that girl nothing would surprise me :) In a couple days when the glue is dry we'll fill up the soakter tub and have us a race!!


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Your kiddos are so cute!! Good luck to Kenzie with her boat floating...should be fun! :) And thanks for your input on my blog...it was very helpful!

J said...

I found you through birth mother talks and I found what you wrote very beautiful and moving.

Campbell said...

Some of what you said at birth mom talks resonated with me. I don't feel abandoned or unloved and don't resent my bio mom either. Just wanted to say that as I haven't read about many adoptees feeling that way online.